11 Fun Dog Facts

They sleep in your bed, they sit on the couch, and they kiss you on the mouth, but how much do you know about the four-legged carnivore living in your house? Dogs are some of the best friends to have, they give us love, companionship and are always there when we need them. There are plenty of things you know about your furry friend, but let us treat you with eleven tasty morsels of truth you may not already know.

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5 Min ReadGuest User
If Your Dog Made a Pup Corn Combo

Imagine your dog is a chef in the Pup Corn Plus kitchen. They’re wearing a red and white striped apron complete with a classic white chef hat that is slightly drooping and held up only by their little ears. They pull out a recipe book for Pup Corn Plus but they’re all paws and drop it in a sink filled to the brim with water. With a twinkle in their eyes, they decide it’s time to create something new for the brand. This little cooking session turns into a flavor melding brainstorm. With all new flavors to create, Pup Corn Plus reached out to the public to see what flavor ideas they could come up with - these are the top 5. What delicious Pup Corn treat would your dog create?

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4 Min ReadGuest User
Pet First Aid

April may be National Pet First Aid Awareness Month, but Pet First Aid is essential year-round. With a little information, you will be prepared and feel confident should an emergency arise. Knowledge is power so here are some ways to help you stay unruffled in a crisis.

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4 Min ReadGuest User
Pet Treat Dos & Don'ts

As a pet pawrent, you want to give your pet the best life possible. The best food, toys, medical care, tons of love, and TREATS! There are numerous scrumptious treats out in the world and it can be overwhelming to find the right treat for your pet. But don’t fret - we got you! Whether you’re an experienced pet owner or new to the game, the following Dos and Don’ts will help keep you happy and your pet begging for more!

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3 Min ReadGuest User
Celebrate 2021 HOWLIDAYS!

All of us Pup Corn pawrents value and cherish our fur-babies! Did you know you can celebrate and strengthen your human-pet bond year-round? There are numerous traditional holidays, as well as animal centered awareness days to choose from. Check out the list below to find out which days you and your pet can honor or cheer throughout the year!

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3 Min ReadGuest User