Pet First Aid


April may be National Pet First Aid Awareness Month, but Pet First Aid is essential year-round. With a little information, you will be prepared and feel confident should an emergency arise. Knowledge is power so here are some ways to help you stay unruffled in a crisis. 


Sign up for the American Red Cross Cat & Dog First Aid Online Training. Complete an inexpensive 35-minute online course to keep your pets healthy and happy! Once you finish the course, you will receive a digital certification. And the best part is you can log-in anytime you need a refresher on the course materials!


No matter where you are, be prepared for the unknown. Order a Pet First Aid Kit or make your own kit from scratch. The ASPCA has a detailed list of items to have on hand in an emergency. Tons of free, printable First Aid Kit Checklists are available online, you just need to search!


If you are wondering if pet insurance is worth it, only you can determine what is best for your family. Think about how a major medical bill could impact your life. Research some options here. Your veterinarian is a great resource if you want first-hand information on how living with or without insurance could affect your finances.


These are just a few ways to prepare for what may come. After administering basic first aid, be sure to follow up with your veterinarian or a veterinary emergency clinic as soon as possible. Knowing the difference between what you can do and what requires immediate assistance from your veterinarian is key.  At-home Pet First Aid is never a replacement for necessary veterinary care. Stay safe out there!


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