If Your Dog Made a Pup Corn Combo

Imagine your dog is a chef in the Pup Corn Plus kitchen. They’re wearing a red and white striped apron complete with a classic white chef hat that is slightly drooping and held up only by their little ears. They pull out a recipe book for Pup Corn Plus but they’re all paws and drop it in a sink filled to the brim with water. With a twinkle in their eyes, they decide it’s time to create something new for the brand. This little cooking session turns into a flavor melding brainstorm. With all new flavors to create, Pup Corn Plus reached out to the public to see what flavor ideas they could come up with - these are the top 5. What delicious Pup Corn treat would your dog create?

Cashews & Coconut submitted by Daphne


Daphne took a vacation to the ocean where the water is as blue as the sky and the palm trees sway in the breeze. She loves the beach, the salty air, and the way the seagulls fly away beyond the clouds when she chases them. She was laying in the low tide when suddenly a hard, brown ball rolled her way. She looked up and saw another puppy with a big grin running her way barking “coconut” at her. At first, Daphne was baffled, she’d never seen a coconut before. She kicked it back to the running dog, but it burst open and boy, is it sweet! Daphne decided that coconut is delicious and fun, even if the game came to a quick end. As Daphne started to settle back in the warm sand, her human walked up with another treat to share. Her human gave her a few cashews and Daphne couldn’t stop her silly smile. She started to perform zoomies across the sand with excitement, her mind racing as fast as her little paws. Coconut and cashews!? What a fun and funky day at beach.

 Sardines & Eggs submitted by Winston

Winston woke up from a nap with a loud bang as the front door slammed shut. He sleepily stretched and realized his human had left for work. He yawned and realized he wanted a snack. Winston used his long snout to open the cupboards and perused the contents of the fridge. He settled on an omelet with salty sardines and wrote a note to make his human go grocery shopping later. Winston started to lick his lips as he searched for a frying pan. Winston carefully cracked the eggs into the pan and cut up the little fish to throw in the mix. Once the omelet was finished cooking, he grabbed a plate and went outside to the patio. Winston loved to enjoy the breeze as he munched on fish and eggs. After his meal, Winston let out a loud burp. He was satisfied and now it was time for another nap.

Turkey & Quinoa submitted by Zoey


Zoey was panting and breathing very deeply. She had just returned from a long run at the park with her human and was ready to eat. Lately, Zoey had been on a health kick and wanted to stick to her trendy diet. She peeked into the pantry to see what was available for her dinner. Zoey smiled, she spotted quinoa on the shelf and turkey in the fridge. Zoey was thrilled, she loves turkey, it makes her think of Thanksgiving and family time. She grabbed her special bowl as she peered through the oven's window anxiously waiting for the quinoa and turkey to heat up. When the meal was ready, Zoey went to the couch to turn on her favorite cartoons and enjoy her dinner in front of the TV. Zoey smiled, she was full and happy to continue her cartoon marathon. She curled up in her human’s lap and lets the sleepiness take over as she drifted into dreamland.

 Corn & Shrimp submitted by Cooper

Cooper sauntered down the cobblestone sidewalk with the sunshine beaming down on him. He was happily enjoying his vacation down south in the Bayou state. He briefly stopped walking and frowned; his stomach was growling which meant it was time for lunch. He made eye contact with his human and whimpered to signal his hunger. They looked up and down the street until they spotted a cute Cajun café at the corner. They sat outside at a quaint table to enjoy the sun and watch people as they walked by with families and friends. The waiter walked out with a steaming platter of shrimp and corn. Both Cooper and his human started to drool. Time to feast, Cooper thought to himself. The moment the waiter set the steaming plate in front of him, he went crazy. Within seconds, he devoured the entire platter and grinned an apology to his human for not sharing. Such a grand treat made Cooper never want to leave his vacation, but he promised to try to recreate the delicious feast one day.

Steak & Strawberries submitted by Bentley


It was date night for Bentley, and he wanted to spice things up for his lady friend, Penny the Poodle. After some pondering, he decided that nothing sounded better than a delicious mix of sizzling steak and sweet strawberries. But what type of steak? He started to sweat and drool. Filet Mignon, he decided and started drooling even more. Bentley fired up the grill and grabbed some fresh strawberries from his backyard garden as the sun started to set over the horizon. Bentley sighed; he is happy. After seasoning the meat, Bentley threw the filets on the grills. The meat started to sizzle, and Bentley started to chop some succulent berries as safely as possible. He heard Penny’s collar jiggle as she walked up to his house. He quickly set the table and lit some romantic candles to add ambiance. Bentley greeted Penny with a lick, and they sat down to enjoy dinner with big smiles plastered on their furry faces.

These combinations were sent in by our Instagram fans and we are so grateful. If you have a combination that your dog would love, please send it in! We would love to hear from you!


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