How To Host A Pet Friendly Super Bowl Party
If you have a lot of pet-loving friends and family, why not invite them over for the big game? With a full house of both people and canines, there are several things you can do to make the party more comfortable for your four (and two) legged guests. Get ready to talk everything PAWTY from foods to avoid, activities to include, how to pup proof your place, and more. Pup Corn has everything you’ll want to know about throwing a paw-some Super Bowl party!
Dog Party Pregame
Remove breakables and obstacles- The last thing you’d want during your party is a bunch of quarterbarks knocking over all your valuables. Make sure that any vases, candles, or breakable items are placed out of reach of paws, snouts, and tails. The same goes for any wires or obstacles that could cause tripping or traffic jams.
Plan where your food goes- Before you go setting all your appetizers and finger foods on the coffee table, think again. You’ll want to avoid placing any serving bowls within reach of the dogs. The last thing you’d want is a wayward tail or misbehaving pup trying to impress their friends by making off with your mozzarella sticks and hot wings.
Give the dogs their own space- Not all dogs are as social as their owners or fellow pets, make sure that there’s a quiet room or space set aside for our older or less energetic furriends. A fenced-in yard is great for letting your pups burn energy between plays, and consider setting up a blanketed area in the living room for them to chill or take a nap.
Dog-Friendly Party Foods
Game day foods are essential for a good Super Bowl party, but making sure that they’re pet-safe or even having special foods set aside for the pups can take your party from the redzone to the endzone!
Foods to avoid- There are several foods you’ll want to leave off your smorgasbord or well out of reach of any dogs, including grapes, chocolate, onions, macadamia nuts, and anything high in fat or salt.
Make some pup-friendly foods- Before you go giving your furball player any scraps make sure they’re safe for them to eat. Anything with a lot of salt or fat should be avoided. You can make some special treats for your pawty pals, an easy one is roasted pieces of sweet potatoes or yams. Peanut butter and oat balls are another easy one that can be shaped to look like a football.
Pup Corn- Pup Corn is a great crowd-pleaser! With only 4 calories and added pre and probiotics for a healthy tummy they make a great treat to add to your touchdown celebrations.
Pawsome Party Games
While you’re busy watching the game, give your pups some stuff to do as well!
Toys and puzzles are a great way to keep your pups occupied, just make sure there’s enough to go around.
Go long and make a game of throwing Pup Corn to your wide retrievers, seeing whose dog can make the longest catch.
Prediction bowls can be a fun way to let your pups decide the winner. Whether you’re rooting for the Beagles or the Chewiefs, set up a couple of bowls with the team names and see which one your furry friends prefer.